I Want to rehash some things with this post. to add to all forgone conclusions, about Search Engine Optimization, True, there are ways to jive ones way to success, however I do not want to burst you bubble when I say that the ones that have the grease to grease all the squeaky wheels and cogs along the way, are the ones that are going to be left holding the gold. This is where the tricky part comes in.
The ones that already have the gold feel that the internet is big enough for everyone using it, but the pot of gold at the end of this cyber-rainbow is not big enough. Being that as it may, true or untrue, ones have got the fix in and they are determined to keep ones from finding out how to really make money on the web for fear that the big bucks that they are making, distributed over all the new comers , might get smaller and smaller until they would have to go out and get a regular job. Which is probably not a bad idea for some.
The internet is a bad place. Not it in it’s self. It is a bad place because there are those one cannot trust, and are out to scam anyone they can. That is why I started this blog, to add a dose of common since to the web. Contrary to popular believe, the internet is not for everyone. At least not for everyone to make fortune. Only those that have a good idea at the right time, or those that have money, and can go to school and learn programming like Mark Zuckerberg
(e. g. NEW YORK: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg's net worth has jumped by Rt. 3.1 billion to Rt. 29.7 billion after the social networking giant's shares surged on strong fourth quarter performance.http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerbergs-net-worth-jumps-to-29-7-billion-on-strong-q4-earnings/articleshow/29603334.cms )
Most people are not so fortunate. Anything we do is not given to us on a silver platter. We gain it by hard work and sweat, blood, and tears. But we still get there. Not by scamming people or being cyber-highway man, but by building trust and relationships with our readers, honesty and integrity. Ones can attempt to jive ones way to success indefinitely if one chooses to, but sooner or later, one needs to pay the money, or pay in time spent hacking away at our PCs. Spend it wisely. “let the buyer beware!”